How do you backup your NextCloud?

Jan 28 2024 - Category: Cloud Storage How To's

Best Practices for Backup

Ensuring the safety of my data has always been a top priority for me, and over the years, I've learned some valuable best practices for backups that I'd like to share.

  1. Regular Backups: Set up automated, regular backups to ensure consistent data protection.
  2. Multiple Locations: Store backups in different locations (on-premise, cloud, off-site) for redundancy.
  3. 3-2-1 Rule: Follow the 3-2-1 backup rule: Keep three copies, on two media, with one copy offsite.
  4. Encryption: Encrypt backups for added security, especially for cloud or external storage.
  5. Testing: Regularly test backups to ensure successful restoration.

In essence, these best practices have become an integral part of my data management strategy, and they've proven invaluable in safeguarding my information from potential threats and uncertainties.

Backup Methods

Ensuring the safety and availability of your data is crucial, and Nextcloud offers various backup methods to achieve this. Based on my own experiences, here are some different backup methods you can use with Nextcloud storage:

  1. File System Backups: Regularly back up the entire Nextcloud data directory. This includes user files, configurations, and app data. You can use tools like rsync or traditional backup solutions for this purpose.
  2. Database Backups: Back up the Nextcloud database regularly. The database contains essential information about users, groups, app configurations, and other settings. Use database backup tools like mysqldump or pg_dump.
  3. Nextcloud Built-in Backup App: Nextcloud has a built-in app called "External Storage Support" that allows you to mount external storage. You can configure an external storage location, such as an external hard drive or network-attached storage (NAS), and use it as a backup destination.
  4. Cloud Storage Backups Utilize cloud storage services (e.g., Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage) as a backup destination. Nextcloud can be configured to use external object storage, providing an off-site backup solution.
  5. Snapshot or Disk Image Backups: If your Nextcloud instance is running on a virtual machine or cloud server, take regular snapshots or disk image backups. This captures the entire state of the server at a specific point in time, making it easy to restore the entire system.
  6. Rsync and Rclone To synchronize my Nextcloud data to an external server or cloud storage, I employ tools like rsync and rclone. These tools efficiently copy only the changed files, minimizing the amount of data transferred during each backup and optimizing the overall backup process.
  7. Automated Backup Scripts: Creating custom backup scripts has proven to be a time-saving approach for me. These scripts automate the backup process, combining file system backups, database backups, and other relevant data. I schedule these scripts using cron, ensuring that backups are performed regularly without manual intervention.



How To Backup Your NextCloud Server

1. Cherishing Your Nextcloud Files:

  1. Data Directory:
    1. Locate Your Data Nest:
      • Dive into your Nextcloud installation and find the data directory. It's like the treasure chest where all your user data resides.
    2. Duplicate the Treasure Chest:
      • Use a trusty tool like rsync or just your good ol' file manager to copy the entire data directory to a safe haven—an external drive, another server, or wherever suits you.
  2. Nextcloud Configuration:
    1. Configuring the Setup:
      • The Nextcloud config directory is where all the magic happens. Copy it to ensure your Nextcloud retains its charm.

2. Guarding the Database Kingdom:

  1. Your Nextcloud kingdom relies on a database to keep things in order. How you secure this castle depends on whether you're using MySQL or PostgreSQL.
  2. a. MySQL:
    • mysqldump -u [username] -p[password] [database_name] > nextcloud_backup.sql
  3. b. PostgreSQL:
    • pg_dump -U [username] -d [database_name] -f nextcloud_backup.sql

3. The Gatekeepers - Web Server Configuration:

  • Don't forget about the keepers of the gate! If you made changes to your web server configuration for Nextcloud, make sure to back up those files as well.

4. Saving Nextcloud's Memories:

  1. Apps Gallery:
    • Peek into your apps using the command: occ app:list. Jot down the ones you've installed.
  2. Configuration Souvenirs:
    • Capture the essence of your Nextcloud configuration: occ config:list > nextcloud_config_backup.txt.

5. Automate the Love:

  • Turn this backup affair into a routine by scripting it and setting up scheduled backups. It's like giving your digital life a spa day—regular and rejuvenating.

6. Dress Rehearsals for Your Backup:

  • Perform occasional drills—restore your backup to make sure it's ready to swoop in if the worst happens. It's like checking if your emergency parachute opens when you need it.

7. Secret Ingredient: Encryption:

  • For an extra layer of security, consider encrypting your backup. It's like locking your treasure chest and hiding the key.

Important Friendly Reminder:

Always check the Nextcloud documentation and your server's unique quirks for the latest tips. The commands and paths might differ based on your setup and the Nextcloud version, so it's like reading the latest map before going on a journey.

Automated Backup Tools

To automate Nextcloud backups, you can create a script and use scheduled tasks (such as cron jobs) to run the script at specific intervals. Below is a basic example of a backup script that incorporates the information from the provided content:


# Set NextCloud to Maintenance Mode
sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ maintenance:mode --on

# Create a timestamp for backup folders
timestamp=$(date +"%Y%m%d")

# Backup Nextcloud main directory
rsync -Aavx /var/www/nextcloud/ /path/to/backup/nextcloud-dirbkp_$timestamp/

# Backup data directory
tar -cpzf /path/to/backup/nextcloud-data_$timestamp.tar.gz -C /var/lib/nextcloud/data .

# Backup database (Assuming MySQL)
mysqldump --single-transaction -h [database_server] -u [database_username] -p[database_password] [database_name] > /path/to/backup/nextcloud-sqlbkp_$timestamp.bak

# Disable Maintenance Mode
sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ maintenance:mode --off

Please replace [database_server], [database_username], [database_password], and [database_name] with your actual MySQL/MariaDB server details.

Save the script to a file, for example,, and make it executable:

chmod +x

Now, you can schedule this script to run automatically using cron jobs. Open the crontab editor:

crontab -e

Add a line to schedule the backup script at your preferred interval. For example, to run the backup every day at 2 AM:

0 2 * * * /path/to/

Save and exit the editor.

This script performs the following steps:

  1. Puts NextCloud into maintenance mode to ensure data integrity during the backup.
  2. Uses rsync to copy the Nextcloud main directory to a backup location.
  3. Creates a tar.gz archive of the data directory.
  4. Uses mysqldump to create a SQL dump of the Nextcloud database.
  5. Disables maintenance mode.

Adjust paths and server details according to your setup. Also, make sure to secure the backup script, especially if it contains sensitive information like database passwords.

For a more advanced solution, you may want to explore using tools like the Nextcloud Backup App or other backup solutions tailored for Nextcloud.


Testing Backups

Testing your backup is not just a procedural task; it's a crucial step in safeguarding your data. Let me share some personal insights on how I approach testing my Nextcloud backup:

Step 1: Prepare a Testing Environment

Before diving into the testing process, create a safe space for experimentation. I vividly remember setting up a separate Nextcloud instance on my local development environment. It's like having a playground where I can restore my backup without the fear of impacting my live system.

Step 2: Restore the Backup

Transferring my backup files to the testing environment feels like unlocking a treasure chest. I carefully copy the backup directory, data archive, and SQL dump. Recalling a past experience, using rsync to mirror the backup directory to the appropriate location added a layer of simplicity to the restoration process.

Step 3: Verify the Restoration

As the Nextcloud main directory and data archive find their way into the testing environment, there's a sense of anticipation. It's like watching the pieces of a puzzle come together. Starting the web server and PHP service feels like turning on the lights in a room. Accessing the Nextcloud web interface and logging in is akin to opening the door to that room, hoping to find everything just as it was.

Testing doesn't stop there. I perform a series of checks, much like flipping through the pages of a book to ensure none are missing. Are my files intact? Can I seamlessly navigate through contacts and calendars? It's a meticulous process of uploading, downloading, creating, and sharing - a bit like orchestrating a symphony, ensuring every instrument plays its part flawlessly.

Step 4: Monitor for Errors

As the testing unfolds, I keep a watchful eye on the logs. It's reminiscent of standing backstage during a live performance, ensuring that every cue is followed, and there are no unexpected surprises. Any error or warning is a bit like a missed note in the music - it demands attention.

Addressing issues during this phase is akin to fine-tuning an instrument. It requires patience and precision. The process of monitoring for errors becomes a dance between potential challenges and their resolutions.

In essence, testing a Nextcloud backup goes beyond the technical steps; it's a journey of reassurance, where each step is a reminder of the importance of safeguarding your digital realm.


NextCloud Backup Script

Here is a basic example of an automated backup script that I use for backiing up my Nextcloud installation. This script assumes that you are using a Linux-based system, such as Ubuntu. Please adapt it according to your server environment.


# Set the path to your Nextcloud installation

# Set the path where you want to store backups

# Set the database credentials
DB_HOST="localhost"  # Change if your database is on a different host

# Set the maintenance mode on
sudo -u www-data php $NEXTCLOUD_PATH/occ maintenance:mode --on

# Backup the config, data, and theme folders
rsync -Aavx $NEXTCLOUD_PATH/config/ $BACKUP_PATH/nextcloud-config_$(date +"%Y%m%d")/
rsync -Aavx $NEXTCLOUD_PATH/data/ $BACKUP_PATH/nextcloud-data_$(date +"%Y%m%d")/
rsync -Aavx $NEXTCLOUD_PATH/themes/ $BACKUP_PATH/nextcloud-themes_$(date +"%Y%m%d")/

# Backup the database (assuming MySQL/MariaDB)
mysqldump --single-transaction -h $DB_HOST -u $DB_USER -p$DB_PASSWORD $DB_NAME > $BACKUP_PATH/nextcloud-sqlbkp_$(date +"%Y%m%d").bak

# Set the maintenance mode off
sudo -u www-data php $NEXTCLOUD_PATH/occ maintenance:mode --off

# Optional: You can compress the backup folder if needed
tar -czvf $BACKUP_PATH/nextcloud-backup_$(date +"%Y%m%d").tar.gz -C $BACKUP_PATH/ .

# Optional: Clean up old backups (keep only the last 7 days)
find $BACKUP_PATH -type d -ctime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \;


Make sure to replace the placeholders like /path/to/backup, your_database_user, your_database_password, and your_database_name with your actual values.

Save the script, and make it executable using:

chmod +x


You can then run this script manually or schedule it using cron for regular automated backups. Adjust the cron schedule according to your preferences.

Note: Ensure that the script and any sensitive information (like database credentials) are stored securely. Also, test the script in a safe environment before deploying it to production.


NextCloud Backup to s3

Backup your Nextcloud server to Amazon S3, you can follow these general steps. Keep in mind that specific details may vary depending on your server setup and the tools you use. Here, I'll provide a basic guide using common tools.

Step 1: Install Required Software

Make sure you have the necessary software installed on your Nextcloud server:

  • AWS CLI: Install the AWS Command Line Interface on your server. You can find installation instructions in the AWS CLI documentation.

  • Rclone: Rclone is a command-line program to manage files on cloud storage. Install it by following the instructions on the Rclone website.

Step 2: Configure AWS CLI

Run the following command to configure AWS CLI with your AWS credentials:

aws configure

Enter your AWS Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, default region, and output format as prompted.

Step 3: Configure Rclone for S3

Run the following command to configure Rclone for Amazon S3:

rclone config

Follow the prompts to set up a new remote for your S3 storage. Choose "S3" as the storage type and enter the required information, such as the AWS Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, region, etc.

Step 4: Create a Backup Script

Create a backup script using a text editor of your choice. For example, you can use nano:


Inside the script, include the following commands:


# Define variables
DATE=$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")

# Create a backup of Nextcloud data
tar -czvf $BACKUP_DIR/nextcloud_backup_$DATE.tar.gz -C $NEXTCLOUD_DIR .

# Sync the backup to S3 using Rclone
rclone copy $BACKUP_DIR/nextcloud_backup_$DATE.tar.gz $RCLONE_REMOTE

Make sure to replace /path/to/nextcloud, /path/to/backup, and s3remote: with your Nextcloud directory, local backup directory, and Rclone remote, respectively.

Save the script and make it executable:

chmod +x

Step 5: Schedule the Backup

You can use a tool like cron to schedule your backup script to run automatically. Edit the crontab file:

crontab -e

Add a line to schedule the backup script. For example, to run the script every day at 2 AM:

0 2 * * * /path/to/

Save the crontab file.

This will set up a daily backup of your Nextcloud data to Amazon S3. Adjust the paths and scheduling according to your preferences and server setup.


NextCloud Backup Script For Mac

Creating a backup script for Nextcloud on a Mac involves using the Terminal and a text editor. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Open Terminal

You can find Terminal in the Utilities folder within the Applications folder, or you can use Spotlight (Command + Space, then type "Terminal").

Step 2: Create a Backup Script

Type the following command to create a new backup script using the nano text editor:


This will open the nano text editor.

Step 3: Write the Backup Script

Inside the nano editor, enter the following backup script. This script assumes you have the necessary tools installed (like tar) and you've configured AWS CLI and Rclone as mentioned in the previous response:


# Define variables
DATE=$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")

# Create a backup of Nextcloud data
tar -czvf $BACKUP_DIR/nextcloud_backup_$DATE.tar.gz -C $NEXTCLOUD_DIR .

# Sync the backup to S3 using Rclone
rclone copy $BACKUP_DIR/nextcloud_backup_$DATE.tar.gz $RCLONE_REMOTE


Make sure to replace /path/to/nextcloud, /path/to/backup, and s3remote: with your Nextcloud directory, local backup directory, and Rclone remote, respectively.

Step 4: Save and Exit

After entering the script, press Ctrl + X to exit, then press Y to confirm changes, and press Enter to save.

Step 5: Make the Script Executable

In the Terminal, make the script executable with the following command:

chmod +x

Step 6: Test the Script

You can run the script manually to test it:


Make sure the script runs without errors and that it creates a backup in the specified backup directory and syncs it to your S3 storage.

Step 7: Schedule the Script (Optional)

If you want to schedule the script to run automatically, you can use the cron scheduler. Open the crontab file:

crontab -e

Add a line to schedule the backup script. For example, to run the script every day at 2 AM:

0 2 * * * /path/to/

Save the crontab file.

Adjust paths and scheduling according to your preferences and server setup.



In my journey to secure my Nextcloud server data, I've picked up invaluable backup practices that I'm eager to share. Regular automated backups, redundancy across locations, and encryption have become staples in my data management strategy. The 3-2-1 rule—keeping three copies on two media, with one offsite—adds an extra layer of security.

Nextcloud offers diverse backup methods like file system and database backups, utilizing built-in apps, and cloud storage integration. Tools like rsync and rclone efficiently synchronize data to external locations. My personal go-to is a custom backup script automated through cron, covering file systems, databases, and configurations.