
How do you backup your NextCloud?

Jan 28 2024 by curtis

In the labyrinth of my Nextcloud server, a weekend evening turned into a data rescue mission. Armed with tools like rsync, I found myself duplicating the "data nest," a digital treasure trove.

Little did I know that this practice, akin to securing a treasure chest, would become the linchpin of my defense against potential data storms. Join me in this article, where I craft custom backup scripts and run meticulous tests—a journey to fortify our digital realms against the uncertainties of the virtual seas in the world of Nextcloud.


The Ultimate Guide to Configuring Nextcloud SSO with Keycloak

Jan 26 2024 by curtis

In an era where security is paramount, especially for cloud-based systems like Nextcloud, implementing robust measures is crucial. Nextcloud, an open-source file sharing and collaboration platform, offers powerful features, yet security remains a significant concern in the realm of cloud-based systems. This article explores the enhancement of security and simplification of authentication through the implementation of single sign-on (SSO) using Keycloak, an open-source identity provider. Keycloak, managing user authentication and authorization, supports protocols like OAuth 2.0, OpenID Conn…